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Note: Timings are in GMT+1. 

Morning Session

08:30am | Opening talk

08:45am | Dr. Vasileios Fotopoulos (Cyprus University of Technology) 

"Pharmaceutically active compounds in the plant stress physiology arena: a new kid on the block"

09:15am | Dr. Francisco J. Corpas (Spanish National Research Council) 

"Nitric oxide (NO) metabolism in higher plants under abiotic stress"

09:45am | Dr. Helena Ribeiro (University of Porto) 

"Pollen and environmental co-factors: the good, the bad and the unknown"

10:15am | Break

10:30am | Dr. Han Asard (University of Antwerp) 

"Plant abiotic stress adaptation: two case studies involving multi-organizational-level approaches"

11:00am | Dr. Cláudia Pereira (University of Porto) 

"Abiotic stress upregulates the expression genes involved in the route to the protein storage vacuole"

11:30am | E-Poster Pitch 1

11:45am | Oral presentations 1

12:15pm | General discussion

12:35pm | Lunch break

Afternoon Session

2:00pm | Dr. Christine H. Foyer (University of Birmingham) 

"The roles of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in plant growth and defence"

2:30pm | Dr. Nelson Saibo (Nova University of Lisbon) 

"Insights into the gene regulatory networks underlying rice responses to different environmental cues"

3:00pm | E-Poster Pitch 2

3:15pm | Oral presentations 2

3:45pm | General discussion

4:05pm | Break

4:20pm | Dr. Ágnes Szepes (University of Szeged)

"Exploring the role of polyamine catabolism in plants during salt stress"

4:50pm | Dr. Ricardo A. Azevedo (University of São Paulo)

"Proposed approaches to study plant responses to heavy metals"

5:20pm | Closing talk

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